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Cognitive Search : Holy Grail of Next-Gen Experiences

With AI and ML at its Helm, SearchUnify’s Cognitive Search Engine is All You Need to Turbocharge Your Organization

Cognitive Search : Holy Grail of Next-Gen Experiences

There’s no dearth of organizational information. However, it conjures multiple challenges such as silos and poor content findability. Cognitive search extracts relevant information from multiple, diverse data sets. It combines core AI subsets like machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP) to decipher search queries and user intent to deliver contextual, personalized responses.


SearchUnify Cognitive Search Model

Unified View of Information

The information in a company is usually scattered across siloed data repositories. In order to access this information, a customer has to hop tabs. While a few clicks do not harm, jumping from one platform to another spells disaster. SearchUnify can help with that. It unifies disparate content sources to ensure effortless and easy access to the most relevant information regardless of its location.

Unified View of Information
AI-Powered Tuning and Relevance

AI-Powered Tuning and Relevance

SearchUnify harnesses the power of ML algorithms to continuously learn and automatically tune itself to contextually rank the most relevant and personalized search results. The engine analyzes user behavior, historical click-throughs, and synonyms, to ensure query-resolving content stays at the top of the search results page even if the keywords do not match. What’s more? It also facilitates controlled manual tuning to boost the discovery for selected content pieces.

Elevate Content Findability with Auto‑Suggestions

The beauty of SearchUnify’s predictive search is that it anticipates the needs of a user by making suggestions related to their queries while they type in the search bar. For instance, if you type in ‘symantec’, the engine would autocomplete various options, like – ‘How to Install Symantec Endpoint Protection’ etc. This enables users to quickly access the content they’re looking for by clicking on the correct suggestion rather than having to type the entire query.

Elevate Content Findability with Auto‑Suggestions
Improve Personalization with Auto‑Learning Facets

Improve Personalization with Auto‑Learning Facets

To avoid making your users browse through a seemingly endless search result page, our cognitive search offers filters and facets. What’s more? SearchUnify ensures the selected facets stick unless the user manually deselects them. Doing so saves users from any unnecessary hassles while empowering them to seamlessly perform multiple searches and receive only the most relevant results.

Reduce Self-Service Efforts with Similar Questions

SearchUnify’s cognitive search engine can predict the kind of challenges or queries a user might come across in the future. This enlightenment helps the engine to provide proactive questions and recommendations that nip the doubts in the bud and majorly brings down user effort, thereby improving their overall experience.

Reduce Self-Service Efforts with Similar Questions
Multimedia-rich Dynamic Snippets for CX

Multimedia-rich Dynamic Snippets for CX

Modern users are spoilt for choice and they want to see relevant information as quickly as possible. SearchUnify’s cognitive search engine takes care of that. It displays rich snippets based on the context of the query and extrapolates a succinct/crisp answer right on the results page, thus taking your end-users a step closer to relevant information. This feature not only boosts CSAT but also lowers the site abandonment rate leading to higher conversions.

Streamline User Search Experience with NLP

Users don’t search with keywords in mind, they search with an intent. SearchUnify ranks the content pieces containing the words searched or their variations (synonyms and abbreviations). What’s more, it also takes care of singular and plural nouns along with stop words (like ‘how to’ & ‘why is’) to ensure nothing obstructs the delivery of relevant information. Our cognitive search engine not only extracts the intent from the query but also decrypts the syntax and semantics to infer its characteristics.

Streamline User Search Experience with NLP
Hyper-Personalized Search Results

Hyper-Personalized Search Results

Hyper-personalization is no longer a nice-to-have tactic; it’s the norm. SearchUnify harnesses the power of ML algorithms to continuously learn and tune itself to contextually rank the most relevant and personalized search results. It considers user behavioral analytics, search history, and user role to deliver personalized results. For instance, the same search query will generate different results on the first page (customized and personalized to a T for the marketer and developer).

Improve Knowledge Discovery with Similar Searches

Giving users what they want before they even realise it is now a piece of cake. SearchUnify’s cognitive search engine digs into user search data and behavior to tweak and present similar search recommendations, right on the results page. This ensures the user experience is personalized to a T.

Improve Knowledge Discovery with Similar Searches
Personalize Cross-sell Efforts with Contextual Ads

Personalize Cross-sell Efforts with Contextual Ads

SearchUnify does not stay confined to one interaction. Instead, it leverages real AI and ML to get actionable insights and context about a customer’s needs and interests from different channels. With insights into a customer’s buying behavior, the cognitive search engine displays compelling offers ads alongside the search results. Thus, feeding two birds with one scone.

Glean Actionable In-depth User Insights

Anemic insights resulting from dark alleys of dispersed customer information results in self-service and support platforms dying a slow death. This is where SearchUnify emerges as a beacon of hope. Its insights engine decodes how customers think and generates rich insights into user behavior, intent, and problems. This additional information empowers the team to meet customer expectations and stay ahead of the curve at all times.

Glean Actionable In-depth User Insights
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